As an established investor in the technology economy, Limonist Meta Technology has the most discerning and comprehensive view of this unique investing landscape. Explore early-stage opportunities through our unique platform which are vetted by our experienced team and represent global innovation at the intersection of the mobility and technology, impacting nearly every major industry.
We maintain an informed and comprehensive perspective regarding available deals, investing in the top 1% of opportunities. These opportunities significantly increase the upside of an investment portfolio while adding diversification through a unique asset class. Diligence is conducted by our expert team who have decades of industry experience and exhaustive networks.
03 Investment Group provides tools to help investors intelligently monitor and manage their portfolio performance and ascend to new heights by investing in the world-changing innovations of tomorrow. We share our industry intelligence in a clear and accessible way with members so they can make informed decisions about their investments.
As one of the most polluting industries, the transport and mobility sector is changing at a fast pace. Creating relevant transportation means for people, gathering data to prioritize investments in civil works and developing the infrastructures to support future vehicles, including electric vehicles, are some of the challenges faced by enterprises.